october 28 – november 6, 2024 r a k e t a: GLASHERBARIET / OENOTHERA ERYTHROSEPALA
Artistic research trip to the Netherlands as part of an ongoing project, following a glass herbarium containing an Evening Primrose sent from Amsterdam to Moscow in 1928. (2021–24, with support from Swedish Arts Council & more) r a k e t a / Skog & Falck & Ljusberg & Dekker.

september 29, 2024 Release: Halffloor, collection #8
Lineup: Cecilia Enberg, Cheryl Evans, Ess Whiteley, Glenda Keam, James Gardner, Jan Ehlen, Maria Mayland, Miki Yui, Mirjam Baker, Oikonomopoulu Lee Korn, Raed Yassin, Stefan Schneider, Tove Nowén.

september 22, 2024 stenar_fall_ljus III in Visby
Electro acoustic concert in the ruined church of St. Olof, in the DBW's Botanical Garden in Visby. A piece by r a k e t a / Falck & Skog. Saxophone: Jens Comén.

september 3 – 6, 2024 Halffloor crew: a research visit to Grimeton Radio Station
This is a preserved early longwave transatlantic wireless telegraphy station built in1922–1924. Situated in south-western Sweden and listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage.

july 5 – october 5, 2024 Communicating Vessels visits Ljudbänken at Skeppsholmen
Ljudbänken, “The Sound Bench”, is run by Audiorama as a touring public sound art installation. More about the project and the piece.

may 18, 2024 stenar_fall_ljus II
Electro acoustic concert in the ruined church of St. Olof, in the DBW's Botanical Garden in Visby. A piece by r a k e t a / Falck & Skog.

february 10, 2024 Release: Halffloor #7 The Dark Collection
Lineup: Sol Andersson, Frauke Aulbert, Kelsey Cotton, Munk Engelung, Joshua Weitzel, Henrik Frisk, eurodyke, Chie Nagai, Paul Purgas, Nelly Quist, Sven Rånlund, Torben Piel, Elaine Maths.


december 1, 2023 – september 1, 2024 Elektronmusikstudion – konst, teknik och politik. Scenkonstmuseet, Stockholm
Elektronmusikstudion EMS – Art, Technology and Politics, at Swedish Museum of Performing Arts. S Skog: exhibition text, co-curator and part of content production team. More about the exhibition.

october 29, 2023 Fylkingens flyttfest - Grande finale - Ordförandekväll!
The very last event at Fylkingen's venue at Münchenbryggeriet. Pieces by all the artists that has been elected chair persons for the Fylkingen Society over its 37 years on this adress.

july 13, 2023 Release: Halffloor #6 Hot Summer Collection.
Lineup: Gabi Schaffner, Mats Lindström, Rym Nouloua, Farida Amadou, Helena Persson, Jana De Troyer, Ami Kohara, Helene Hedsund, Fredrik Mathias Josefson, Mattias Hållsten, Michel Wenzer, Graw Böckler.

may 27, 2023 Halffloor Centenary Celebration
A party for the first 100 minute sound art pieces of the Halffloor project! Installations, performances, bingo and more. The crew: George Kentros, Marie Gavois, Michel Klöfkorn and Susanne Skog. Fylkingen at Münchenbryggeriet, Stockholm.

may 20, 2023 Fyrec Triple Release
Release Concert for Siberia/Sirens (LP/CD/DA, FYLP 1043) at Fylkingen at Münchenbryggeriet in Stockholm.

march 20, 2023 Svensk Musikvår
"Elektronisk musikvår", an electro acoustic concert, arr. Audiorama at MDT (Moderna Dansteatern), Stockholm. A selection of pieces by among others, Susanne Skog. More.

march 7, 2023 Folkbildningsoperan
by John Swedenmark and Susanne Skog. Performance at Göteborgs Litteraturhus. Special Guest Sven-Eric Liedman, Author and Professor Emeritus of history of ideas at the University of Gothenburg. Info about the piece, see below at december 15, 2022 or clic here.


december 15, 2022 Folkbildningsoperan
by John Swedenmark and Susanne Skog. Premiere at Hägerstensåsens civic house, Stockholm. A piece for around 50 voices and 6 speakers, based on a broschure from 1922 from the Stockholm Section of ABF (the Workers’ Educational Association). Find more info and a stereoversion here.

october 24 – november 7, 2022 Katsuben project, Tokyo.
Research trip and performance at Koyata Aso’s Katuben festival oct. 31:st at the Toyokan theatre in Asakusa, Tokyo. First events of an ongoing collaboration with the Benshi artist Koyata Aso, opera artist Loré Lixenberg, violinist George Kentros and Susanne Skog.

july 13, 2022 Nonagon festival, Svanö.
stenar_fall_ljus I. A piece for fixed media and live performance by raketa (Falck & Skog)

october 15, 2022 Release: Halffloor #5 Heading for 100.
Lineup: Paul Pignon, KABLAM, Jenny Pickett, Brenda El Rayes, Nica Son, Patric Simmerud, Wolfgang Van Ackeren, Susanne Skog, Les Marquises, Michel Klöfkorn, Fatigue Suspecte, Patsy Lassbo, Marie Gavois, Tomas Hulenvik, Jeff Henderson, George Kentros, Multipolar + Hlfflr100 Space Lounge at Fylkingen.

june 13, 2022 Besökare (The Visitors).
A permanent sound installation in Kilenparken in Ronneby, Sweden.
Commissioned by Ronneby kommun.
The artwork is situated in two big willow trees next to the river in the center of the small town Ronneby in southeastern Sweden (a sonic artwork, 4 speakers, 2 player units.)
In coop. with violinist George Kentros, arborist Lotta Persson, programming consultant Jim Skog Pirinen. Technical solutions and constructions: Daniel Araya & Co).

april 20 – 24, 2022 Jungfru Catharina, Gotlands museum
A sound art installation at Gotlands museum (7 channels/speakers). FRST festival 2022, arr. by VICC, Audiorama and Gotland School of Music Composition. More.

april 23, 2022 VEMS: Lugna monoliter och elektroniska favoriter
EAM concert at Fylkingen during Kulturnatten, with a big collection of mainly Swedish pieces/composers. Arr: VEMS. More.

march 20, 2022 Svensk Musikvår at Fylkingen.
First performance of Sirens (multichannel version) by Susanne Skog. Also pieces and performances by KABLAM, Vilhelm Bromander, Linnea Talp and more.


september 4, 2021 Release: Halffloor #4 Catwalk 2021–22
Lineup: Leif Elggren, Broken Dreams (sahel Edit), Lisa Stenberg, Eve Sussman/Algis Kizys/Simon Lee, Johanna Paulsson, Bobodrone, The Hallicrafters, Susanne Skog, Johannes Grehl,Theodor Kentros, Dennis Dycks, Henrik Olsson, Marie Gavois, Joachim Nordwall, Thelma Asine, Anna Hjalmarsson, Sören Runolf, Ryosuke Kiyasu, George Kentros, Benjamin Fehr, Ythma Admis, Gavois/Klöfkorn, Halffloor, Helena Tsmail, Daniel Araya and Rieko Okuda.

august 28, 2021
(Parts of) a new public artwork by r a k e t a presented at the opening of Örebro konsthall’s new venue in Riksbankshuset at Kulturkvarteret, Örebro.

august 21, 2021 För Fåglarna. Kulturhusets tak, Stockholm.
Premiere of a new piece during this event, For the Birds, on the roof of Kulturhuset in central Stockholm. Other participating artists and poets: Arkivet för rosa brus, Majsa Allelin, Bella Batistini, rip ME, Marja-Leena Sillanpää, Joar Tiberg, Sonja Tofik.

february 6. Glasmolnet/The Glasscloud.
Premiere for the radio play at Radioart.se (also available with english subtitles).
Introduction by Magnus Florin, and followed by a conversation with Magnus Florin, Maria Küchen, John Swedenmark and Susanne Skog.

january 7th: Halffloor #3 winter 2021!
Release of the new collection of one minute sounding artworks, to be released every other Saturday over the next months,
starting january 9th with Youngjae Lih, followed by: Kristin Kuldkepp, Taavi Suisalu, Sascha Brosamer, xname, Hiroko Tsuchimoto, Ekke Västrik, Susanne Skog, Leo Correia de Verdier, Michel Klöfkorn, Åsa Lipka Falck, George Kentros, Hara Alonso, Rzeng, Francesco Torelli, Marie Gavois and Majoscha


October 28, 2020: Glasmolnet (The Glasscloud)
Premiere (for the multichannel concert version): Dramaton, Audiorama’s biennial festival for hoerspiel/radio play at Atalante in Gothenburg, Sweden.

October 2 – 11, 2020: Halffloor Half Festival
A three days online livestream-video festival, as the end of a ten days workshop in the abandoned 7 stories supermarket in central Duisburg, Germany.
With Halffloor (Marie Gavois, George Kentros, Susanne Skog) and Michel Klöfkorn (artist, filmmaker), in cooperation with radio artists Sarah Washington and Knut Aufermann, and trombonist Heiko Mancke.
With support The Swedish Arts Grants Committee and Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse.

April 3, 2020: Halffloor #2 2020 Spring collection Release!
One minute new sound art pieces to be published every other saturday, by
Mattias Sköld, Lisa Ullén, Anna-Karin Brus, Mari Kretz, Dror Feiler, Lore Lixenberg, @Mobile Radio/ Sarah Washington and Knut Auferman, Michael Saup, Seroconversion, Aran Kleebyg, Sabine Vogel, Johannes Bergmark, Tony Blomdahl, Tullis Rennie, Sonja Tofik, Zafire Vrba, and the halffloor crew: Marie Gavois, George Kentros and Susanne Skog

March 21, 2020: Svensk Musikvår, festival.
FRÅN MONO TILL MULTI/Seams. Live streamed concert with EAM music, streamed from Fylkingen, Stockholm.


November 18, 2019: Siberia/Sirens,
a release from Fylkingen records 2019. (Cd, LP & digital). Two sonic artworks by Susanne Skog. Available here.

November 9 – December 29, 2019. Örebro konsthall, Sweden: [59°18’16.0”N 15°14’35.2”E]

May 18, 2019. h a l f f l o o r
60 second sonic artworks podcast. By artists from everywhere. A new one every second week.
Crew: Marie Gavois+George Kentros+Susanne Skog.
To be found everywhere in the podcast-universe, on soundcloud and halffloor.com. World Premiere at Fylkingen, may 18th.


October 18 – 24 , 2018. Ogijima, Seto Inland Sea, Kagawa prefecture, Japan.
Researchtrip (part of a raketa project). With support from the Swedish Authors’ Fund.

October 16 – November 18, 2018.
Void+ Gallery, Tokyo: Orbits around a (nomadic) archive.
Exhibition by raketa (Cecilia Enberg, Jann Lipka Falck, Åsa Lipka Falck, Susanne Skog) & Midori Mitamura. Opening night: october 16th, including concert with There are no more four seasons (George Kentros & Mattias Petersson).
October 27th: Workshop at the gallery, a part of Midori Mitamura’s ongoing project Art and Breakfast. With support by Konstnärsnämnden. Part of the Embassy of Sweden´s program 150 years Sweden – Japan 2018.

October 13, 2018.
Shobi University, Tokyo. Workshop/seminar for composer student, together with George Kentros and Mattias Petersson.

October 12 – 24, 2018. Storm Bells (#2).
A sounding installation at the bar and gallery Grisette, Golden Gai, Tokyo. A sonic artwork for transducer, objects, light and water from the Baltic sea.

October 10, 2018. Ark Hills Music Week / Glovil Sweden-Japan Artistic Music Lab 2018. The Embassy of Sweden, Tokyo.
“1 % for art, 100% for art”. Lecture by Susanne Skog about the Swedish 1%-rule concerning art in public buildings and spaces, and some sonic artworks in public spaces in Sweden. In the foyer: Storm Bells (#1), an installation (sound & objects). Part of the Embassy of Sweden´s program 150 years Sweden – Japan 2018.

September 6, 2018. Alvesta Utställningshall.
Exhibition, raketa (Cecilia Enberg, Åsa Lipka Falk, Susanne Skog). Del i Processer, ett pågående projekt på Alvesta Utställningshall som följer den konstnärliga processen.

June 13 – 19, 2018. Researchresa till Island, Thórsmörk.
Trakten kring vulkanen Eyafjallajökull. Med stöd av Nordisk Kulturkontakt.

April 26, 2018. Fylkingen, Stockholm.
Catalysis, #2. Fylkingens debattserie, key note: Susanne Skog.

April 21, 2018 Fylkingen, Stockholm.
ELEKTROAKUSTISKT MÅNGKANALSÄVENTYR, konsert anordnad av VEMS under Stockholms kulturnatt.

Svensk musikvår, konsert. Klangkupolen Kungl. Musikhögskolan, Stockholm. Verk av Bengt Hambraeus, Tommy Zwedberg, Paulina Sundin, Susanne Skog, Lise-Lotte Norelius och David Granström.

February 1, 2018. Jubileum! Nutida Musik 60 år
En jubileumskväll på Fylkingen. Samtal m redaktionen (Magnus Bunnskog och Susanne Skog) under ledning av Helena Lopac, konserter med Marja-leena Sillanpää, Em Silén samt Erik Peters & Peter Söderberg. The magazine Nutida Musik (Contemporary Music) celebrates its 60 year anniversary. Fylkingen.

January 27 – 27, 2018:
FRST. Annual festival for electroacoustic music, arr. by VICC, Audiorama and Gotland School of Music Composition.


8 december 2017: Nära marken | Vi ringde trädet. Det sa hej. Och hej då.
invigning, permanent offentligt verk på förskolan Regnbågen, av r a k e t a (Åsa Lipka Falk, Jann Lipka, S Skog). Beställare Örebro Konsthall/Örebro kommun. A permanent public art work by r a k e t a, commissioned by Örebro Art Gallery /Örebro municipality, Sweden

14 november – 3 december 2017.
Composer in residency, Visby International Centre for Composers (VICC).

15 september – 26 november 2017: EXPANDING TERRITORIES | Department of Lost Places and New Memories.
7th Moscow Biennale for Contemporary Art /Parallell program: The State Darwin Museum. r a k e t a & friends (Enberg, Danilova, Lipka, Comén, Biryukova, Mitamura, Samoilov, Skog, Voiushina, Fedoseev, Lipka Falck m fl). More

24 – 27 oktober 2017: Far_North_Tour #2.
Jämtland (Östersund/ Alsen/Rista) Konsert, utställning & workshop. Medverkan och material: r a k e t a & friends ( Åsa Lipka Falck, S Skog, Cecilia Enberg, Jann Lipka, Mattias Sköld, Jens Comén, Stig Rennerstraum, Oleg Samoilov)

4 – 9 oktober 2017: Tokyo Art Book Fair.
r a k e t a ( Åsa Lipka Falk/ Susanne Skog) takes part as exhibitors at TABF, compiling an alternate, sitespecific edition of the book/archive in process Orbits around a (nomadic) archive 2013 – 2016.

4 februari – 26 mars 2017: Omloppsbanor kring ett (nomadiskt) arkiv 2013 – 2016 / Orbits around a (nomadic) archive 2013 – 2016.
Separatutställning (r a k e t a) på Karlskrona konsthall / A solo exhibition (r a k e t a ), Karlskrona Art Gallery, Sweden. Artists/editors: Åsa Lipka Falck / Susanne Skog.


16 december 2016 Fylkingen, Stockholm. / Arkhangelsk / St Petersburg / Kälom / Moskva / den lilla tjärnen / Kenozero / Niagara / Vladivostok / Salvorev / Oxelösund / &&& /
Music, film and exhibition by and with Mattias Sköld, Åsa Lipka Falck, George Kentros, Susanne Skog, Timo Menke och R a k e t a & friends.

24 nov – 4 december 2016 Russia, Kenozero NP and Arkhangelsk
A r a k e t a tour and artistic cooperation with russian colleagues. Workshops and performances in the village Ust’-Pocha in Kenozero National Park / Workshops with students at school n:o 1 and n:o 21 in Arkhangelsk / Performance at the NARFU (Northern Arctic Federal University) / Exhibition at the Regional Scientific Library (Dobrolubov) combined with public performances (dance, music, film). R a k e t a (# Jens Comén, Cecilia Enberg, Susanne Skog, Åsa Lipka Falck) & Masha Biryukova, Oleg Samoilov (artists) and Susanna Voiushina (dancer, choreographer). Musicians: Andrey Shulgin, Daniil Rumyantsev & Evgenyi Mazilov.

6 juli 2016 Nutida Musik n:o 258
Release of the first issue by Nutida Musik´s new editors, Susanne Skog and Magnus Bunnskog. Nutida Musik (Contemporary Music) is a magazine for sound art and new music. It is the leading magazine on this field in the nordic countries and has been around for for almost 60 years. NM is published quarterly by the Swedish section of ISCM (International Society for Contemporary Music).

19 juni 2016 VEMS på motståndsfestivalen, Teatermaskinen Riddarhyttan
EAM concert, Riddarhyttan, Sweden.

3 – 12 juni 2016 Eskilstuna konstmuseum: Omloppsbanor kring ett (nomadiskt) arkiv /Orbits around a (nomadic) archive (2013–2016) ed.1
Exhibition / edition at the art museum in Eskilstuna and a preface (june – dec) in Rademachersmedjorna/ The Rademacher Forges. r a k e t a # / lipka falck / lundgren tallinger / skog

8 mars 2016, Sveriges radio P1 kultur: BANG! En feministisk tidskrift fyller 25
About the swedish feminist magazine bang, and where the feminist discussion stands today. The program also tells about how it all started in the beginning of the 90-ies, when the program maker herself was one of the creators of the magazine. Bang is now one of the most read and influential swedish culture magazines. Listen here (in swedish).


18 december 2015, Experimental Intermedia, 224 Centre Street, New York:
There are no more Four Seasons (George Kentros/Mattias Petersson) and Susanne Skog, first performance of the piece Siberia.
EI December 2015 Performance Series. Curator: Phill Niblock.

23 oktober – 4 december 2015: Gotland Film Lab Recidency at BAC–Baltic Art Center, Visby and film studio Kustateljén in Fårösund.
R a k e t a/Trans-siberian work shop on Gotland (SE/RU) Maria Kotlyachkova (writer, translator, curator), Timo Menke (visual artist), Nadya Gorokhova (visual artist), Ilya Grishaev (visual artist), Susanne Skog (sound artist).

3 oktober – 8 november 2015: “Trans-Siberian Migrating Residency – Anthropological Research” A special program of the 6th Moscow Biennale for Contemporary Art.
Exhibition on the roof top at State Darwin Museum, Moscow. Results from the on-going r a k e t a project “Mobile Institute: House in the Forest. The school In between”: travels in Arkangelsk Oblast, a wooden house in the Kenozersky National Park restored by r a k e t a, and a nomadic residency that has traversed the entire eurasian continent.

22 september – 1 oktober 2015: Trans-Siberian Migrating Residency
A part of the on-going r a k e t a -project “Mobile Institute: House in the Forest. The school In between”, a special project of the 6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. Four artists from Sweden and Russia will cross the continent with the train from Moscow to Vladivostok. This artistic research trip happens between the West and the East, crossing the whole country, constantly moving while the artists stay together for 7 days, 24 hours, in perpetual contact with an audience. Artists on the train: Susanne Skog, Timo Menke, Ilya Grishaev, Nadya Gorokhova, and co-curator Maria Kotlyachkova.

26 juni – 17 augusti 2015: Jungfru Catharina
Sound Installation/Composition, Oxelösund, Sweden. Commissioned by Sörmlands museum & Katrineholms kommun.
In the ceiling in the library in Oxelösund hangs the anchor from the ship Jungfru Catharina who sank nearby in october 1747 after a long unmanned trip over the Baltic Sea. This piece connects to this last voyage, and the morse signals from the radio beacons that once could be heard along this line.

7 februari – 19 april 2015: Brännpunkt Barents/Focalpoint Barents
Utställning på Havremagasinet i Boden. Sju konstnärer från Ryssland, Sverige, Norge och Finland deltar – samt Raketa & friends. Exhibition at Havremagasinet in Boden in the far North of Sweden. Seven artist from Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway – and Raketa & Friends. More

Februari 2015: Fylkingen 80!
The book about Fylkingen from 1994 – 2013 – the year when Fylkingen celebrated its 80th birthday. Contents: 20 texts, all in both Swedish and English, lists of Fylkingen´s publications and all releases from Fylkingen Records. A catalogue over the more than 1 400 performances and an index. More than 50 pages of photographs and a DVD with video pieces and documentations. Redaktör/Editor: Susanne Skog

2014, 2013

December 2014: Call to mind.
Call to Mind – a Blu-ray featuring four films made by Gunvor Nelson plus a catalog booklet with texts by Astrid Söderbergh Widding, Susanne Skog, Steve Anker and John Sundholm.

1 december 2014:“Suzanne Osten, geten och det normala”
Ett radioporträtt av en av Sveriges mest betydelsefulla regissörer någonsin. Producent: Susanne Skog. Sänds första gången 1/12 2014 i Sveriges Radio P1 kl 14.03, längd: 45 minuter. Mer här.

september, oktober 2014 Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Visitors! # The Mobile Institute. A portable Knowledge Lab on Tour. A Parallel event at Manifesta 10. An ongoing project driven by R a k e t a/Stockholm with participants/artists, musicians, researchers and curators from Sweden, Russia, Norway, Germany and other places.

januari – february, 2013:“The Embassy Reconstructed"
A sonic investigation of the phenomenon "The Embassy" by six artists with the support of a chamber music ensemble. With: Brandon LaBelle, Jacob Kirkegaard, Juliana Hopkinson, Liv Strand, Susanne Skog, Åsa Stjerna (initiator) and KNM (Kammarensemble Neue Musik).
The Nordic Embassies Berlin and Transmediale 2013.
Susanne Skog: Communicating Vessels
Susanne Skog presents two semi-transparent glass vessel that transmit sound to each other. The piece relates to territorial aspects of The Embassy (conceptual stability/physical fragility), the degree of transparency and selective/encrypted communication.
The Swedish Legation in Berlin was founded in 1912 at the same place where the Nordic Embassies are located today. On November 22nd 1943 the Swedish Embassy was destroyed during the bombing of the Tiergarten. The sounds being transmitted between the cylinders are made up of recordings from Stockholm and Berlin on November 22nd 2012.